Numbers to the models: Generating the data for Systems Biology

Göteborg-Sweden, June 10-12, 2005

Conference organisers: The QUASI EC Project, The Early Stage Training Project "Systems Biology", The NordForsk Network "Feast and Famine", The Göteborg Yeast Centre, The Göteborg Quantitative Biology Initiative, The Nordic Yeast Research Community

Sponsored in kind by the Yeast Systems Biology Network YSBN

Conference poster

See also graduate course "Yeast quantitative biology" June 6-16 (the course will join this conference from June 10-12)

Poster presentations
Practical Information



The meeting will have six sessions, each will have three-four lectures plus a round table/plenary discussion with a focus on generating quantitative data for modelling of cellular pathways. There will be poster sessions. The questions to be addressed are generic and not restricted to yeast

NOTE: On the evening of June 11 there will be a meeting for the YSBN EC proposal participants (Coordination Action). Invitations have been sent out.

Detailed programme pdf

1. Need and using quantitative data for modelling, June 10 morning
Responsible and introduction: Mats Jirstrand, Olle Nerman
Principles of mathematical modelling, networks and dynamic models, needs for data and types of data needed.
Speakers: Edda Klipp (confirmed), Reinhart Heinrich (confirmed), Bela Novak (confirmed), Mats Jirstrand (confirmed)

2. The protein world, June 10, afternoon
Responsible and introduction: Anders Blomberg, Gustav Ammerer
Quantifying protein modifications, protein interactions, protein turnover....
Speakers: Bertrand Seraphin (confirmed), Gustav Ammerer (confirmed), Brenda Andrews (confirmed), Søren Brunak (confirmed)

3. Phenomics, quantitative phenotypic analysis, June 10, late afternoon
Responsible and introduction: Anders Blomberg
Phenotyping of mutant collections, synthetic screens
Speakers Charlie Boone (confirmed), Anders Blomberg (confirmed),  Yitzhak Pilpel (confirmed)

Welcome Reception on June 10th at Göteborg University Aula 1900-2100 hours. A light buffé and drink will be served, kindly sponsored by the City of Göteborg.

4. RNA and gene expression, June 11, morning
Responsible and introduction: Per Sunnerhagen, Francesc Posas
Absolute mRNA levels, active chromatin and transcription, translated (active) RNA, RNA turnover
Speakers Takashi Ito (confirmed) Roel van Driel (confirmed) Francesc Posas (confirmed), Tim Hughes (confirmed)

5. Metabolism and small molecules, June 11, afternoon
Responsible and introduction: Lena Gustafsson, Stefan Hohmann
Measuring all metabolites, fluxes, kinetic parameters in the living cell
Speakers: Steve Oliver (confirmed), Sune Danø (confirmed), Jens Nielsen (confirmed), Matthias Reuss (confirmed)

YSBN workshop

Social event (separate booking, see below)

6. Analysis of the spatial organisation of the cell, June 12, morning
Responsible and introduction: Thomas Nyström, Dag Hanstorp
Quantifying protein movements, protein interactions, cell structure
Speakers: Dag Hanstorp (confirmed) Matthias Peter (confirmed), Rachel Errington (confirmed), Achilleas Frangakis (confirmed)

Detailed programme/time table will follow by the end of April.




Posters will be presented throughout the meeting. Abstract for posters (as well as talks by invited speakers) should be sent before May 10 to be part of the abstract book. Abstracts should be submitted as a one-page (A4) pdf and word file, types in 12p Times New Roman throughout. It should contain a title, addresses to authors and the e-mail address of the presenting author. Send abstracts to




Please register here
Your registration is not valid until you have received a confirmation from Inspiro Event. You will receive an invoice for the whole fee and your accommodation, it is therefore important that you state your correct invoice address. State if you are eligible for a discount and why (will be carefully checked)

Cancellation If you cannot attend, your registration is transferable to another member of your department/organisation.
Cancellation of registration will be accepted until April 30, 2005, up to which date the total amount will be refunded except for an administrative charge of SEK 500.
Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent to Inspiro Event. We regret that no refund can be made for any cancellation received after April 30, 2005.

Registration Fees

Standard fee                       2500 SEK (3125 SEK incl VAT)
Student standard fee          1100 SEK (1375 SEK incl VAT)

Discounts apply to participants of the QUASI EC-funded project (QUASI stays for the entire fee), participants of the EST training project "Systems Biology" (the project stays for 50% of the fee for seniors, for the total fee for students sponsored by the project and 50% for all other students), the NordForsk project "Feast and famine" (the project stays for 50% of the fee for seniors and for the total fee for students, travel/subsidence support can be provided following request to, the Nordic Yeast Research Community (students can apply for coverage of the registration fee and travel/subsidence support to Local participants with affiliation to GU or Chalmers pay 300 SEK.

The fees includes the following:

-Access to all sessions during 10-12 June
-Documentation and materials for the workshop
-Coffee/Tea at breaks
-Lunches on June 10, 11 and 12
-Welcome reception on 10th June
-Ability to book a discounted evening activity on 11th June

Welcome Reception on June 10th at Göteborg University Aula (please see map) 1900-2100 hours. A light buffé and drink will be served, kindly sponsored by the City of Göteborg.

Social event On June 11 at 1930 at ”Trädgårn”- restaurant, bar & nightclub located in the beautiful ”Trädgårdsföreningen”, the Garden of Göteborg. This evening is informal with food and drinks from the Swedish Kitchen. Includes the famous “pickled herring” with “snaps”, Swedish meatballs, and of course other typical dishes of the Swedish “Smörgårdsbord”. The meal is served indoors, but there will be outdoor space available. The evening is available at an additional fee of SEK 600 (incl VAT) and can be booked together with your registration.




Hotels available The following hotels are available to book via the registration form, please note that you will be invoiced for the whole stay together (B&B) with the registration fee.

Scandic Rubinen, Kungsportsavenyn 24, 400 14 Göteborg
Scandic Rubinen is a fashionable hotel located on the main avenue in the heart of Göteborg. In the middle of the bustling city, they offer a calm and peaceful stay. Facilities include two restaurants, a cocktail bar, 191 freshly renovated rooms and three meeting rooms. Scandic Rubinen is located only 3-4 minutes walk from Studenternas Hus.
Single occupancy: 820 SEK (incl. of VAT and Breakfast), Double occupancy: 1100 SEK (incl. of VAT and Breakfast)

Spar Hotel Gårda, Norra Kustbanegatan 15-17, 416 64 Göteborg
At Spar Hotel Gårda you stay comfortably and conveniently close to the city centre. To make your stay even better the hotel provide cosy rooms, splendid breakfast and a friendly atmosphere - all of which makes you feel just like home. Tram number 3 easily reaches Spar Hotel Gårda from Studenternas hus – the stop by the hotel is called Svingeln and you get of at Valand to reach Studenternas Hus.
Single occupancy: 695 SEK (incl. of VAT and Breakfast)

SGS Veckobostäder*, Utlandagatan 24, 412 80 Göteborg
SGS is only within 10 minutes walking distance from Studenternas Hus, the Liseberg amusement park, and the Avenue, which is Göteborg's main street. All of the rooms are equipped with shower, WC and TV. You have access to a kitchen where you can cook your own meals. Linen and cleaning are included in the price. Please note that breakfast is not included in the rate.
Single occupancy: 350 SEK (Incl. VAT – no breakfast included), Double occupancy: 450 SEK  (Incl. VAT – no breakfast included), Room with 4 beds: 560 SEK (Incl. VAT – no breakfast included)

* At SGS Veckobostäder, the reception is open: Monday 3pm-7pm , Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm , Sunday 4pm-8pm
If your arrival time does not correspond with the opening hours it is important that you contact SGS Veckobostäder ( , phone: +46 (0) 31 7081330) in advance to make arrangements for pick up of keys.

How to book accommodation Accommodation bookings are taken on a first come, first served basis – please be aware of the peak-season in Göteborg, and book your room early!
You will be able to book the accommodation when you register online. Inspiro Event reserves the right to book you into alternative accommodation, in case the availability is limited. Please note, after April 30, we can no longer guarantee availability at any of the hotels listed above.

Cancellation Please note that all rooms are booked, changed and confirmed via Inspiro Event. No changes are valid if they are made directly with the hotel.
Any cancellation of accommodation must be sent in writing to Inspiro Event. Cancellations received before April 30, 2005 will entitle delegates for a full refund of the prepayment, after April 30, 2005, no refunds can be guaranteed for cancelled accommodation.





Venue The workshop will be held at  “Studenternas Hus”, in “Lingsalen” (2nd floor). Studenternas hus is located very central, close to all proposed hotels, at the following address:

Studenternas hus, Götabergsgatan 17, 411 34 Göteborg, Sweden


Important Dates

Registration is possible any time
Poster abstract submission deadline                   May 10, 2005

Location Göteborg is situated on the west coast of Sweden, with the second largest international airport in Sweden (Göteborg Landvetter) and an airport served by Ryan Air (Göteborg City from Germany and the UK). Göteborg is well connected to both national and international railway networks and a major harbour. Göteborg is therefore easily reached by air, ferry or train. For more information about what Göteborg has to offer, please look at the official visitor's guide:

Transportation When arriving at any of Göteborgs two airport, there are bus services taking you to central Göteborg within 30 minutes. The cost for a one-way ticket is approx. 70 SEK. Taxis are also available at the airports and cost around 350-400 SEK. Please agree on a fixed price before you start your taxi journey. Within Göteborg, there is an excellent Tram and Bus system, for more information on the public transport system, please visit:

Registration onsite Upon your arrival, you are asked to register onsite, to receive your name badge and other material.. Registration will be open during the following hours: Friday 10 June 08:00-19:00 Saturday 11 June 08:00-19:00 Sunday 12 June 08:00-09:00
Please also contact the registration desk if you have any questions relating to the conference or your stay in Göteborg.

Lunches Lunches will be served at "Valand", which is situated approx 5 minutes walk from the venue (please see the map)

Language English is the official language of the workshop. No interpretation to other languages will be available. In Sweden, English is widely understood and spoken.

Weather The weather in June is commonly pleasant, with temperatures reaching up to 15-20°C. It can however be warmer or chillier, therefore bring light clothes and a sweater as well as a raincoat / umbrella in case of a light shower. Göteborg is a “walkable” city, therefore bring comfortable shoes and enjoy the city by foot!




For more information about Registration, Accommodation and other practical arrangements, please contact Inspiro Event:

Kastellgatan 1, 413 07 Göteborg, Sweden
Phone: +46 31 701 00 33, Fax: +46 31 137504

For more information about the programme of the meeting, please contact Stefan Hohmann

CMB Microbiology, Göteborg University, Box 462, 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden,
Phone: +46 31 7732595, Fax: +46 31 7732599